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scratch the idea of going dark

Operation: Sky Fire starts in 3 Hours!

i like fortnite

(First post of random on this account)

Fortnite's April Crew Pack:

(To be released March 31st 2021 8:00 PM EST)



Hey everyone!

We are extremely close to 50 members!

If you could help us out on our journey to 100, that would be awesome!

Thanks if you can :D !!

The Foundation The Fourth of the seven Has the possibility of the Rock as the markings are the same look at the taccto

All Chapter 2 Season 6 Gliders (SPOILER WARNING) (Yes, I am late on this, I know)

we now know 4 of the seven members. The visitor the sientised and the foundation and the paradigm

You thought you saved your little reality..

Chapter 2 Season 8 Begins September 13th, 2021.

Play Free Here:

(Not affiliated with epic games)

Report A community for over 3 years