All Posts in Freedom Planet Community

Let's get me 200 followers before my computer comes back from the shop let's do this go follow me right now
Can't play exe games because my computer is in the shop for repairs I will be back if my computer comes back home from the shop I am going to try sonic maga cd port retake see you guys soon when my computer comes back from the shop
There was no place for questions but what's y'alls favorite Freedom Planet OST (1st or 2nd game)
Do you like the original sonicallstars.exe or sonicallstars.exe widescreen
I am the new owner of CDR my girlfriend Linda is working too I have stars in my eyes
#savesonicgameinghub sonic gaming hub is alive I am happy now I have stars in my eyes

TBA deluxe Creamkid the Crystal Mobion vs glitcher.mp2 fnf edition true good ending glitcher.mp2 exploded at the end and all my friends is alive and my new name is prince creamkid1130 the Crystal Mobion
Which fnf speed.gif version is better

Freedom planet 2 cutscene gameplay I edit the video with text by myself i hope you love it

These five want to rate your favorite outfit