fun_facts_section in Game Group Therapy


Fun Fact#425
Northern Korean people are legally only allowed to have one of 28 haircuts. Men and women can choose from 14 different styles.

Fun Fact#424
Kraft singles cannot be advertised as cheese because U.S. FDA standards state a food can only be identified as cheese if it contains “at least 51% real cheese”.

Fun Fact#423
There is an insurance policy issued against alien abduction.

Fun Fact#422
Norway has a 25-year statute of limitation on murder. This means if the murder happened more than 25 years ago, they cannot be charged.

Fun Fact#421
President Nixon officially declared "Father's Day" a holiday in 1972.

Fun Fact#420
Crystal meth was originally invented in Japan.

Fun Fact#419
In 1866, The United States purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million by writing a check.

Fun Fact#418
The manager of Guinness started the Guinness Book of World Records when he got annoyed that he couldn’t find out what the fastest game bird was ever recorded.

Fun Fact#417
Garlic is known to attract leeches.

Fun Fact#416
It is thought by Russians that eating ice cream will keep you warm.