fun_facts_section in Game Group Therapy


Fun Fact#545

A shrimp’s heart is located in its head.

Fun Fact#544

When cranberries are ripe, they'll bounce like a rubber ball.

Fun Fact#543

Apples come from the same plant family as roses.

Fun Fact#542

It’s impossible to burp in space.

Fun Fact#541

You are always looking at your nose; your brain just chooses to ignore it.

Fun Fact#540

Gatorade was named after the University of Florida Gators.

Fun Fact#539

In 2015, Belfast police used ice cream truck music to deter teenage rioters.

Fun Fact#538

In Maine, crossing the sidewalk with roller-skates is illegal.

Fun Fact#537

In 2016, Mozart sold more albums than Beyoncé.

Fun Fact#536

Stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve metal.