fun_facts_section in Game Group Therapy


Fun Fact#595

In Japan, its tradition to eat KFC for Christmas.

Fun Fact#594

Celebrating Christmas used to be illegal.

Fun Fact#593

In Ukraine, spiders are considered symbols of good luck at Christmas.

Fun Fact#592

There is a Christmas tree in Spain worth $15 million.

Fun Fact#591

Arizona has a 30-foot Christmas tree made of tumbleweeds.

Fun Fact#590

The largest gingerbread house ever made was as big as a real house.

Fun Fact#589

Mistletoe translates to "dung on a stick."

Fun Fact#588

"Jingle Bells" was the first song played in space.

Fun Fact#587

If a male lion takes over a pride he executes all of the cubs.

Fun Fact#586

Frogs use their eyeballs to swallow.