general in Afton Robotics

Share your creations!

Theres A Holiday Coming Up I Made Up And Its Called The Twisted Day (It Will Have Soething To Do With The Twisted Rivals Games) So Stay Tuned For Then!

So I Know Its Been Forever But I've Been Working On My Youtube Im SUPER Sorry But I've Got A Progress Report For The New And Improved Withered Bonnie

I Can Finally Share Projects So To All You People Who Cant See My Projects They Will Be On My Youtube Soon!!!!

Oh Ok

Heres The Improved Version Of Withered Freddy

So I Have A Youtube Channel Now (I Will Do Other Things On It)

Just Keep This In Mind I Most Likley wont be online on sunday because my birthday is on sunday sooooo... keep that in mind

Well I Dont Have School Tommorow And Something Special Is Gonna Happen Then To So Stay Tuned!

The DEMO For The Twisted Location Is In Stable Condition

Can You Decode It?

(Dont Spoil It But If You Want To Message Me It You Can)