All Posts in Adventure game RPG community (official)

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this is just cursed and normal at the same time

I'm going to make a remaster because the later versions of the game was floppy and messy so this time I'm going to make a remake so it's not confusing and broken

did you know the max attack stats you can get in the game is 290

this game needs more attention


it finally updated you all can now play it

I have some awesome news

World 3 and 4 is going to release very soon the last thing I have to do is set up the boss and then set up World 5 and the game will be updated

but if you want to read the deadline of when it's going to release go to the article

make sure to send me ideas or fun stuff that I should add you can also recommend me plugins

read the warning in the article

I accidentally found a bug in world 3 that accidentally renames your character which gave me an idea

MP goblins will now start appearing in World 4