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Ned introduce Brian (With: Conker & Berri)

Brian Johnson Has Owned: @Brianjohnson2007

timpy has your ip address

Ned Tell To Brian About Pringles Are Tasty

Random Fan Arts About NSHCCS Facts

Conker & Berri Want To Fight With Anna Mina

@KitOdin-Games if You Actually Don't Know Who Jimmy's Little Brother Joe Looks Like, So Heres How Joe Looks Like

The Released Date of The New Map From BBCCS Has Revealed Everyone

Conker is Helping With Makoto

Makoto Has Owned: @Brianjohnson2007

this is adiens punisment for copying @MICHAELDOESGAMING geting dead by musicy

What if When The Commercial of NSHCCS Has Aired on Cartoon Network in Late 90s...