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Well, Looks Like My Easter Break is Now Over, & Now i Can Finally Working Some Other Project Stuffs Because i am No Longer Bored Anymore, Hurray

yo mr white

Alfonz's basics is on hold for now.

because im working on a mod

related to TGGB

i am Making a Fan Art For a Some Person From DeviantArt & it's Still WIP

4 Days Left Until My Birthday Everyone

Note: My Birthday Date is April 22

WHAT?!?!, HOW DID BL25 WITH THIS?, Actually BL25 is Trying To Report The Post & i Don't Like That!

I'm going to be inactive on discord for awhile.

but i'll be back soon.

People on GameJolt


The Backrooms Found Footage

a fanart for @TrainGod2008 who requested me to make a fanart of his mod "andy helps traingod"