Announcements! in Timpy Team Community

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34 Days Left Until My Birthday

hi guys So a game with jeff is on hold because i working on the rest baldi mods

Great News!, My Dad And i Found And Buyed a New Headphone With Microphone, So i Finally Use it And it Works!

The Secret Mod Project Will Be Revealed Very Soon...

Good News Everyone!, The First DLC Level of NSHCCS is Now Work in Progress, Now i Will Back To Modding Work :D

The Character Suggestions Wanted is Not Open For DLC Level of NSHCCS!

YAY, Thank You @Ultragameztv963 For Seending The Audio Files of Joey DeeDee Marky & Spamton G Joey Voice Lines, Now i Can Editing, Modify, & Release The Fourth Level of NSHCCS at Once :D

Today is Christmas Day!, & i am Finally To See & Waiting For The BBCCS 2nd Year Anniversary Map Releases, & it Took Me in Few Days For Waiting This Wonderful Fourth Map, & i am So Happy To Be Hyped :D

Ah Yeah, More Tracks From The Fourth Level is Now Out, & The Tracks From Third Level Coming Soon
