WIP and BTS Stuffs in Timpy Team Community

Share Your Stuff (Follow the rules)

You Okay Baldi?
(The Baldi Model Credit To @saintza4 )

what the fuck

womp womp

Conker Sprite Animation Test

blud wtf happen to my game

Update on Sami's Tutorials:

New Characters and planned events

Messing around with the Modextraassets

Another remake in the works


New Mechanic for the Mod:

so i added an indicator where it says break or clean time and if its break then gotta sweep will stay in the closet but if its clean time then he will start sweeping and well you know, I want your honest opinion yall.


Baldi's Basics Mod where every second anything could happen like for example, the school flips upside down or like any character could kill you

but this is just a concept so it does not really have a chance of actually being made but i might.