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Welcome to the Joe biden's community on Game Jolt!

This community is made for us americans and non americans.

heres some rules.

Rule 1:

dont post nsfw/gore in this community, cuz theres kids in this website.

Rule 2:

do not post stolen art.

you must credit the artist before posting it. and dont claim it as your own. cuz putting "(credit to artist)" will not do anything.

Rule 3: do not false block the owner of this community cuz cuz false blocking someone is not funny.

Rule 4: you can swear here but dont say the r slur if you're autistic. cuz non autistics can say the r slur, dont even say the nword here if you're not black.

Rule 5: do not post links to nsfw websites. cuz again. theres kid in this website. and their parents are problably seeing what website they are on.

Report A community for about 2 years