announcements in lazer's art hole

please do not awaken kragthronoth the destroyer (we miss you, johnny)

look at my new bird

she might be called lemon the 2nd

we don't know yet

guys guys look at my dog his name is oso

hello everyone it's my birthday



uh huh

guys look at my birds (the first one is blue and the second one is peep)

alright guys

enough procrastinating

it's time for me to draw a woman 🤮

3 people to comment gets fanart made by me

you better have an oc

wait wait

i can explain my last post- please don't unfollow me

i swear to god, i have a totally normal explanation


alright guys, about this poll…

i swear, i'll do the thing in a bit. give me some time, human biology is hard to draw