All Posts in Fatalgard

MasterCaptian waz here!

Man, this mask brings me nostalgia. It's my Mastercaptain mask that was made for my Mastercaptain costume. I have it hanged up on my wall for display because it looks pretty cool! I don't plan on wearing it again, but I might change my mind in the future.

Yesterday, my friend next door invited me, my sister, and my mom, to go at the pool place with him & his grandma. It was pretty fun, though I forgot to get sunblock so I got sun burned. My arms are still a little red right now, lol.

I legit don't know what to post right now. Back in 2022, I did lots of posts almost everyday. Nowadays, I barely have any ideas on what to post so I usually post every 3 days or whatever.

Me & my friend next door absolutely love playing FNAF UCN! Hell, we even made our own way of playing it!

My friend next door got me a Zelda amiibo for my birthday today. It looks so cool! Speaking of amiibo, I have yet to make a post about my awesome collection when I wanted to make a post about it.

I got Link's outfit from Ocarina of Time (Finally) along with the Hylian Shield & it looks so cool! Definitely one of my favorite outfits in TOTK!

I've given up on making games because it stresses me out. The only project I'm working on right now is my discord server that functions like a game thanks to my bot, and that doesn't stress me out somehow.

When I first encountered the Gloom Hands, they literally gave me a sense of fear I have not felt in a very long time. Literally the most unforgettable moment, holy shit!

GameJolt in 2023 is truly dry for me, I used to post a lot everyday back in 2022 but things have changed this year. Nowadays, I rarely can think of ideas for posts everyday.

Sorry, I'm having way too much fun with TOTK to the point where I wasn't active that much. I've finally completed the main story and I gotta say, TOTK is my #1 favorite game now!