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MasterCaptian waz here!

Happy Late Thanksgiving everyone! Sorry I didn't say this sooner, I have been quite busy with life and something...... else.......

From now on, I'm saying "mierda" instead of shit because I think it's cool. Mierda is basically the word shit but in Spanish

"You thought just by getting rid of one single thing would solve everyone's problems? No. It only made everything worse for everyone."

Just finished watching the FNAF movie and I can safely say it's my favorite movie. It reminds me of why I even liked FNAF in the first place. All in all, it's very good.

(I will not be giving spoilers, don't worry)

Happy Thoughts

Bro, why is everyone saying firesides are gone? I still see the firesides section with some firesides active right now. Plus firesides are extremely cool, there's no way GJ is removing them.

Apparently, NateWantsToBattle made a song with my favorite singer (also from my favorite band), Kellin Quinn. Holy shit, I feel like I'm in a dream right now. One week is too long for me to wait!

I think I have hangophobia (if that word even exists). I get easily traumatized by somebody hanging by the neck with a rope as a method of suicide. This is not a joke, as much as I would like it to be.

Also, sorry I wasn't active for the past couple of days, I was grounded for a bit.

I have some of the weirdest dreams ever, lmao.