All Posts in Fatalgard

MasterCaptian waz here!

"If Mastercaptain was charged for his crimes"

Made by @Mastercaptain

(Also issues from previous videos have been fixed & polished)

2nd Anniversary of Mastercaptain


"Apollo Justice gets held on trial for his opinion"

Made by @Mastercaptain

Notice for Tomorrow

I’m just going to say this very quickly and say……

Extremely hot take: FNAF is a bit overrated these days. Cancel me on Twitter folks, I don’t care.

Ah shit I just realized that the 2nd year anniversary of Mastercaptain is coming up in 4 days. Also I revamped my bio.


Rickrolling is getting so old to the point where it’s going to end up like my great grandpa back in 2019 (not even kidding).

Here is my #1 advice to anyone who’s reading this:

(Except me, lmao)

Shouts have been turned back on. Do whatever you want with that, idiots /j.