Fatalgard’s room in Fatalgard

MasterCaptian waz here!

And now I have run out of ideas again. Great, see you guys tomorrow.

Oh, and I am still keeping my signature PFP because it’s only a name change.

I have changed my username from “Mastercaptain” to “Fatalgard”. Effective immediately & permanent.

“Memes. The DNA of the soul.” - Monsoon

Goodnight everybody :)

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! I don’t really have anything to celebrate today with tbh. Also sorry I did not post this morning, I was spending time with family.

I’m done with people talking about Nintendo Switch 2 rumors. I’ve kept hearing people spread rumors about it for SO MANY DAMN YEARS, it’s fucking annoying!

I was originally 1st place but I got a trash weapon so two people got to get more kills then me. But highest kill count so I can’t complain.

If this post gets 30 likes, I will post my NSFW chats with AI chatbots that I didn’t delete to remove evidence.