Fooz’s yapping corner in the goober house

:33 < nepeta says: post something you goofball! :33

omg nooo don’t cannibalize me

that’d be TERRIBLE, I’d totally HATE for something so immoral and horrible to happen to me !!


Dirk Dirk Dirk Dirk Dirk rkkfkfirkkroeppwkwjsjjfjfklepwppskdjfdirkowpwp

scheduled post

day of birth

adrrerrruuhghhhh I’m prolly on a plane rn I dunno

uhhhh whoo second birthday on gayjolt

I remember the time I was walking home from school and these kids that r liek 2 yrs older yelled “HEY HE WANTS YOU TO SUCK HIS DICK-“ or he said he wanted to fuck me or smth

I ran home so fast 😭

My aunt bought me this big Miku plush for my bday yay

also my internet sucks so fuckin hard I can’t wait to go home

I’m gonna go watch a 2 hour long video abt Dirk

I’ll b back latur

Bruh we r on our way to see my sisters bf again (and fly up to see my cousin)

an accident happened and now we’re stuck in place on the high way

here’s some random doodles of Dirk to get rid of art block

not being able to draw fuckin sucks

Idek what my style is anymore so I decided to draw one of my fav characters

I keep having dreams abt serial killers

Man im such a whore for faygo /ref