All Posts in NES Godzilla Creepypasta/Replay Community

Dedicated to the NES Godzilla Creepypasta, Replay, and the game adaptation by @Iuri Nery.

More Chimera screenshots.

You know what? I think I've got a theory on why Not-Ghidorah's a Dorat. (SPOILERS FOR THE STORY)

"The battle wasn't over yet.

The real fight was against the Chimera, a monstrous hybrid of all the Replacement beasts."


Top FIVE moments before disaster.

"You can't enter here."

"Well why not?!"

"Because you look like a demon."

"At two minutes into the level, I encountered something that I wasn’t sure how to react to...

My first instinct was to run, but this blue statue-esque being simply floated in place.

And I felt compelled just to stare at it, for a time."


Dancing partner

(Warlock really hates this)

Meets X.Toho

You know, a Totem Pole typically represents a family, culture, or any other meaningful thing's history. If that's the case, then what's with Extus' Totem Poles? Are these poles representing ancient species? Red's victims from his slaughters? Who knows?

NGC's equivalent of the "Top Secret Area" from Super Mario World, only it isn't exactly secret.