✨🏡my home😊✨ in Lovebug crew

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One of my cats doesn’t love me 😭 lol I was watching a documentary about them and it said if you put your finger in front of them and they rub against it they love you only one of my cats did my other cat looked away 😭 welp at least one of them loves me 🥰

My mom told me I scored 8th grade math on a star test I did and I don’t remember doing it 🙃 also I have no idea what star test is but I remember someone told me but my dang memory is a jerk but yay!! Lol

My dads going back to California for my moms car and all our stuff in storage and the rest of us can’t come because all of us have school and so he’s driving back so he gets to go to so many more states 😭

I had a interesting day this dude said to me he’s hot I would date him if I was a girl like bro you can still date him and idc and there was a medical emergency and I have confirmed that I made friends🥹and um I only got called a nerd a few times yay!😌lol

😃 lol

A me and my family went to mark dead trees and we found some interesting stuff like a dead snake ☹️ And a worm hanging in the air by a like string and cicada shells and a big giant bug we don’t understand Georgia bugs and stuff 😐

I’m bored 🥱

🥹 picrew!

I got pride socks :0 well my mom did just because they were on sale and she kinda supports it and she gave me one because I wanted socks from the other pack she got but she let me have one from each 🥹

People kept calling me a cheater in my class because I kept winning quizlets 😭 I just like LA and geography 🥲