General in Gentleman Studios

*insert meme here*

Wanna hear about the worst server I've ever been in? No? Too bad.

I miss the good old days

Working on FNF mods with my shitty computer

Now I don't even have A computer


This account is getting revamped completely

Just changed my bio 🔥🔥

This shit finally got revamped

Bro what 💀


If only that got finished BEFORE my computer commited die

Guys here are both my YouTube channels

And no, I don't post FNF on either of them

After a year of being the Black Impostor, my old avatar is back
"wake up brother, obledaminecrafter released his 100 subs special"

Space Waltz - Sky Waltz Among Us Mix (100 subs special finally)
yay finallySong by @SeeksStuff FLP by @FreddyDoesStuff2 (

As you know, I'm back, I now have full control of my communities once again. However, I am still on a mobile device and do not have the ability to work on my FNF mods. These will have to wait until I get a functional computer again.