All Posts in Pico's School

School shooting-

Pico When He met Cyclops in the hall:

Pico: I'm not trapped in here with you.

(Gun loading sounds)

Pico: Y O U ' R E T R A P P E D I N H E R E W I T H M E .

Teacher: Today, we're gonna learn about apples and bananas-

Enough of this crap!


What Casandra does while waiting on Pico to get to her:
-Watches tv.
-Takes a nap.
-Clean and reload all of her guns.
-Does a 95 question quiz.

Cyclops, Cassandra, Alucard, and Hanzou: Exist


W E ' R E G O I N ' H U N T I N T O D A Y

10 members. This is the beginning of our journey.

Idea for the header

So a casandra is a female but when she turns into that alien thing she has a dick, let me explain why.

If Casandra was interviewed.

Ok, just a question: what the hell are the Uber kids?

Fun fact: Pico’s school was inspired by the aftermath of the Colombian school shooting