Mods in Plants Vs Zombies

Plant your own creations!

Which difficulty would you choose? New Campaign levels are currently being developed.

Other updated lawns
Другие обновлённые лужайки

New main menu!
Новое главное меню!

Plumber zombie's redesign
Редизайн Зомби-сантехника

New seed packet selection menu and a redesigned lawn!
Новое меню выбора пакетов семян, а также редизайн лужайки!

Scaredy Shroom!

Progress may be slow in the coming days, but the update's release is on track for the end of February. In the meantime, Rustbolt tries to take a family reunion photo... there may be too many zombies for this.

Who would win? The unending fury of the zombie horde, or one Plot & Rot mushy boi.

Ladder zombie's redesign!
Редизайн Зомби с лестницей!