All Posts in Xavier is a weirdo


congratulations @mizz_ey for reaching 400 followers :)

you earned it pal

MY ALT HAS OFFICALLY DONE IT. THANK YOU @MalachiPro FOR GETTING @mizz_ey TO 400 FOLLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ayo! @mizz_ey is one follow away from 400! go follow him N O W.

read article on what they do. they are the super trio!

#SMBRound3 peppino and Sans.

i made a new banner for @EpicGamer_23444 go follow him :)

yessir i applyed to a gamejolt creator

does @starruis , actually got gamejolt creator

thank yall so much for 340 followers!

should i show my face in discord again?

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