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to answer the potential question of; can Twisted Boxal open his lid? and to that i say; YES!

Skins for Boxal and Pix! ( srry for what feels like 0 uploads for the last month lol. . . ) btw look on my account page to see more of these OCs! also what is ur fav skin duo?

  1 vote 7 days left

oc of my big sister (her oc not my idea)

name : sasi (the pencil case)

skin : vintage,....

Dandy’s World oc!!! Twisted Giza! (Dw I’ll post the Toon ver. when she’s done). Info in article.

(Wait can y’all even see her hollow eyes??)


My dandy’s world oc( Nemo)


Mr. Gun (Dandy's World OC) @salon_the_squirrel and @itz_just_bruana_here

these little idiots.

forgot to add these :p

Pix, the sister of Boxal, my Dandy's World OC! she'd usually cause issues for Dandy and Co. by being very mischevious, thankfully Boxal can really help out when Pix is getting out-of-hand.

  1 vote Voting finished