All Posts in Guestgamer community
2- do not be toxic or a scammer, respect everyone!, we always is watching what some people makes, and if you be one of that type of Internet persons, you can be banned forever!
3- no spam, pls, just dont spam, or you will get be banned or dont acess the chat for a time
4- no criminal things, like doxxing, p3d0, and other bad crimes, ban
5- no malicious/suspect links, ban
6- no accusation of nobody like adms of the server, without any evidences!, ban
7- dont be a fucking xenophobic for any reason! respect everyone and dont be a motherfucker, ban
8- no leaks about my games or something without Guest (my) permission!, ban
9- no suicidal incentive, hacker attacks, epilepsy andd other things who use for attack or hurt a person! (hacker attack just can harrepend if you have my permission to make and need be a joke!), ban
10- respect the country rules! its important you make this, ban
11- without political, religious themes, or any other derivative (seriously, this is very boring and it's cancerous to see people discussing this on the Internet), ban