Wip(work in progress) in an army of silly jolters

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Introducing for you guys my unfinished GMOD machinima (its russian :P)

In youtube you can see the full 7+ minutes of quality sounds, and look how two agents was exploring abandoned lab


[Project A-N] Unfinished beta | GMOD Machinima
Да, жалко конечно что не досняли, но и вышло не совсем хорошо.Надеюсь следующая попытка будет в разы лучше, с новыми актерами, с обновленно...

I've spent more time on this than the rest of the art


Trrrrust da process

Yea I always draw something like this to know where everything is supposed to be

More progress on zeck (Wip)



Yuyuyu (WIP)


(Frost gonna be reemplaced by another @ZeXtorm OC)

Guys...hear me out-

So far so good...


Guess who