Announcements in Stupid Peoples


Version 0.0.8 coming in sometime ;)

TPGU version 0.0.6 out now toasters.

-more toaster images.

-you can switch to a 4th scrolling speed by pressing 4.

we've hit 4k followers toasters.

Toaster"s Photo Gallery Ultimate version 0.0.4 out now toasters:

Discord if you wanna contribute:

-more toaster images

"a gallery for toasters or any other appliance does not and has no reason to exi-"

we've hit 50 views toasters.

TPGU version 0.0.3 out now toasters.

-more toaster images (no sh!t)

-ability to switch between scrolling speeds by pressing 1, 2 or 3.

Discord if you wanna contribute with even more toaster pics:

Update 0.0.2 out now for Toaster's Photo Gallery Ultimate (sorry for the gap between the regular updates, there are extra pics in this update to compensate)

-extra toaster memes