All Posts in Fnai(Five Nights At Inkopolis)
i think there should be sanitized octoling character, whats ur opinion tho?
Unused alt, Clone Kokichi! (Clonekichi for short)
One coder is almost done as of now, just need to fix a few things, add missing stuff, and finally beta testing. Once we are ready, we can fully release their version. Stick around for that soon!
New thumbnail art for the game page. You guys like?
I got this neat idea.
I'm planning on having multiple versions of the first game, that being different coders working on the same game.
Seems pretty neato, what do you think?
Our new coder is @SunkyTehMemeLord!
But as of now, he is currently working on his own games, so don't bother him or me.
But here's what to expect from the extras menu
Scrapped Things
Development Screenshots
Things for FNaI have gone pretty slow so I'm getting a new coder so we are likely to get things done much quicker. Don't ask who it is, as I will reveal it soon.
now we have 20 menbers uwu
five more to 20 members:)
should be another character?