All Posts in Fnai(Five Nights At Inkopolis)


Hi i'm new

PC is broken, might go back to phone graphics for some bits of the game, I'm just so goddamn upset, and I don't know if I'm getting another laptop, I better be because I'm gonna lose my mind if I don't.

follow this communitties please ;-;

you guys are the best

Skins are confirmed!

Here's a teaser for the next one, let's say that...

Things are getting freaky on a Friday Night.

We are nearing completion, all we need before release is as followed.

- King's voice clips

- The rest of the remade artwork and jumpscares

- Kokichi's voice (I'll take care of that)

Might release with only alt and will work on the rest afterwards.

Poll was kinda one sided. So I'll lay something down on how things will work.

- Due to Clone Blake, Agent Sonic, and Kokichi having original designs, their models need to be made from scratch, and they need to match the art style used for the 2D game.

NEWS FLASH! After the first game gets released, there will be a bigger update, which will include alternative skins, new art, and possibly more! Here's a quick peek at what you might be able to see.

Should the first game in the franchise get a 3D rendered version in the future?

  11 votes Voting finished
