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Welcome to Super Scratch Brawl!

Here you will find important announcements about the game!

Super Scratch Brawl is a fan-based platform fighter inspired by Super Smash Bros. I don't own many of the characters, all credit should go to their respective developers.

Super Scratch Brawl was created by SwipeWire, TheGrimSoul, BloctansAlphie, Theoddone21, Enflame25, and pvzsupersanicman.

NOTE: All channels except two are for moderators only, and Please do not recreate any off topic channels as they will all be archived.


No raiding our Scratch Studio.

If you download the source code, upload it on Scratch and do nothing with it, a dev will track you down and report your project, especially if it is more popular.

No posting off topic stuff in any channel, all meme channels and posts have been archived. Now off topic posts will be removed and you risk being banned by posting them.

Do not leak, rumor, or hint at features in any way. Developers will remove all such items and terminate the offender from the community permanently.

Report A community for almost 4 years