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@Null-archive-64 i wonder what bambi models you made years ago

перерисовала Лекси и Люсю, красота для вас или фу кринж?
redrew Lexi and Lucy, beauty for you or ew cringe?

Spriter because i was bored

Chaos Jim because i was bored

упал, но тихо (молча)
fall, but quiet (silencly)

im going to go insane bro p3d deleted the models again

looks like the program is deteriorating

all thats left is the hands, and face

Skyler phase 2 / Origin Skyler

She's is So Adorable

She's makes better art then Deverlaux

She will appear in regeneration (Kitsunophobia 2) & Kitsunetsukimania (Kitsunophobia 4)

я "лапочка" для Дэйва, уж ктр часть...))))
im "sweetheart" for Dave, alrdy tht part...))))