Bendy's Room in The Bendy House Rp

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Cats avoided me

Bendy: i Think I Just Have Conection With them.... Cats Purred At Me When i Was a Kid.....

Wow, cats like you?

Cats seem to naturally dislike me for some reason

Bendy: You Know What Things Care About Me tchtra?.....

Cat And Kttens

You Know WHat I Care Of

Also Cat And Kittens
And Snoxy My Chainchomp Pet
Tito My Slime Pet
The Axolotls
And Kiro My Dark Dragon Pet
Oh! And Rexa
My T rex

Well dude

I'm just *really* hungry

There's gonna be people who like ya mate

Bendy: things A Free In Celebrations Like That........

Looks Like Cake is More Important..... For u

Thats nice. i Dont Have people
well not much peaople to care about and people that dont care bout me

Well that's depressing

Will there be free cake though?

Bendy: Humans celebrate When I Die....... thats why the also hate me
they are happy without me......

Human's death celebration?

The heck you talking about

Bendy: *bleeds* dont ask.....

And enjoy humans death celebration......