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Minecraft 1.21.2 is out!

It adds bundles, and adds Ender Pearls as chunk loaders, along with other quality of life features, as well as adding 3 new experiments.

Windows 7 15th Anniversary wallpaper

Windows 7 just turned 15 years old!

Honestly, I like the design of all the characters from Akame Ga Kill! And I like the characters themselves and they will remain in my heart. Plus, the anime turned 10 years old in July.😊❤


Apparently there's a bit of blood in the air bag of my dad's wrecked vehicle

I just realized that Windows 7 will turn 15 years old tomorrow.

What's left of my father's vehicle

Since when was being mentally insane a cool thing for some people?


Yep. I have a Bluesky account.