MEMES in Lea's existers


@ROLL50_ I didnt thought this was the real you .

10 most dangerous countries according to ChatGPT:

:'v :U


HAHAHAHA!!!! Im getting free candy and youre not!

Top insults that devastated entire civilisations on 0.00000000001 miliseconds.

Youtube subtitles: [Music]

Deaf kids:

I Love Editing Starting Messages this... Is so Random... And Wierd... I Improvised... And this is Hillarious to me.

Me when my friends do any stupid thing that I also do:

Albert Einstein & Nikola Tesla Meme [TMNT THEME] | 1 hora Extendido
Que onda hice este video por los momos XD espero les guste quizá se haga popular o quizás no, no lose, en fin gracias por ver :)

Ghost Notifications be like: