Announcement in The Party

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The last album was.... Sincerely, The P and now it's a sad day for me seeing this but at least Thes One is Alive

[<Work In Progress>]

If I say The Network Retarderz Ends After 3 Yearz, I'll do music and the new album is Called.............. Fuckin' Sinister On The Isle

The Network Retarderz Will End After 3 Yearz

The Network Retarders: Unleashed Part 2: Summertime Flight [Maybe Sooner.....]

Premiere Today

The Network Retarders Volume 4 Mixtape is done but wait, releasing 20 mins left

Guys are you waiting for the Stay Tuned. Theme Song and I made it by myself

Releasing at 22:00

The album releasing on Saturday 18:00