General in Transformers

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59 second violation

Menasor is now level 8 with 2040 battle power.

We're so back

Calling all Transformers fans now, for the third time. Transformers Legacy Unity Windblade sneek peeks, full figure and much, much more! Will be reveled on Friday, on Hasbro Pulse YouTube channel

Calling all Dino fans, one more time today! You got another chance, to buy Transformers studio series 86 Dinobot Slug. Do you gonna buy him?

Calling ALL transformers fans! Transformers Legacy Unity officially revealed and with that, official pictures of Animated Bumblebee, and Optimus Prime, and dude! That Prime, is incredible! What do you say?

Help why does this look like a fan poster

This is taking years to do

Guys here's my new bumblebee action I put all of the peices together when it was delivered and I show you the hands later