All Posts in Tristanlagreato
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twitter when people's streaming avatars aren't rendered in 8k 20192p 1200fps:
[S] Rex Duodecim Angelus
Years in the making, we bring you [S] Rex Duodecim Angelus, the epic tribute to Malcolm Brown's musical masterpiece. Thanks to the efforts of dozens of artis...
----ectoBiologist [EB] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG]!----
EB: d-dave? what is this place?
TG: aw shit man you're in the land of people who asked
how do you expect to outrun me ✨WHEN I'M ALREADY HERE✨
national jellybean day countdown
Majora's Mask - Final Hours w/ Bells
- Please read before watching -Since I could not find a video that contained this song *with* the bell in the background, I decided to make one myself. I fou...
lean ceo before and after inventing lean
internet funnymen on their way to spam clash copypastas in jellybean's comments to the point where literally nobody can see the original comments: