Questions in TS!UNDERSWAP

Share your creations!

You can buy the shaked milk in Grillby's?

Will you add running system like in Deltarune?

where can i sell stuff? burger boy won't take anything and mall squid won't either.

Why did you make the graphics less detailed?

What's up with Koffin-K's hat

Hey um I tryed to play the demo but I did not load up? Did I do something wrong?

How do I do a full reset of my save?

Another question. How i suppose to get this trophys?I really dont understand....

Hello @teamswitched .I have one question.Then you complete Starlight Islands,you gonna publish another demo or continue doing "Crystal Caves" how i remember?

oh hello im a undertale fans from China,i focus on your game and i want to make chinese version with you guys

that will make more people know about the game

is you have this idea,please reply at this page

thanks a lot