random shit in the weirdo community

hello ma weird bro, I’m coming for your soul

I have this picture of Queen merged with The Beatles and part of me wants to post it but the other part doesn’t because I don’t want to harm your eyes

I love this

I have this picture of Michael Jackson and I’m afraid that if I post it it’ll get reported

I think I post too much



Me and my brother were watching Labyrinth and we got to the end, and I said ‘there’s just a mini Jareth in the bed’ and my brother went ‘Sarah! I require my crystal balls’ and I just burst out laughing

If You know you know

You remind me of the babe

What babe?

The babe with the power

What power?

The power of the voodoo

Who do?

You do

Do what?

Remind me of the babe

…that’ll do, Bowie

I got a few things from Pinterest