General in FNaF - Vincent Community!

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either i put the source code on github,or i remake it

or i do both

  4 votes Voting finished

so...a bit of bad news,the source code has so many errors and i dont know how to fix it,its either i start from the beginning or i put the old and broken source code on github,so yeah,im sorry for those who were excited for the remake :(

Hey, guys. Im thinking of doing a (more recent perhaps? And for English speakers) documentary of Vincent and Elijah. Possibly for the 9th-10 anniversary of the game. Scary Nights and all that.

Scary Nights Spring Trap Withered Foxy and withered Marionette


Finished Map 1 of my version of Vincent in Roblox!!!

so im back from my 10 day of no gamejolt,also uhh my real pc is fixed so no more using crappy 20gb chromebook,so yeah,welp,ima do more progress on my better laptop

Can someone send me all models of Vincent or Textures? Please

so while i was working on my version of vincent,i discovered the fact elijah prob used the angrybots ai so that the characters can move n stuff

so uhh,i scrapped the fnaf 1 map i made cuz its trash,but i decided to import the assets from vincent cuz its more easier than expected,anyways heres some previews i guess

vincent remake preview (no this aint made by the actual elijah but a fan of him aka me lol)