General but less general in dee4's hellhole
Post your dank shit here.
alright so it appears that the week is up, that should mean i can log back into google, but i still kinda wanna wait a few days for good measure, just incase.
just watched a whole s.f episodee, it was the goods
the goods
where can i play the gwimbly game?
i got back into my reddit, the login screen actually fucking worked, dear redditors, expect more zingers from me!
now to way a feeew more days so i can try to get back my google, then again i would most likely have an actual number now by then.
new hoours
wake - 9AM : work
9AM - 11AM : work and internet
11AM - 3PM : more work
3PM - 4:30PM : internet
4:30PM - 8PM : more work work
8PM - 9PM : inter
9PM - sleep : work,.
schedule effective tonight
will go offline for the rest of the night until 3pm in around 7 minutes, so i can work and do the sleepy sleeps.
nighty night internight.
new scheduled hours, to maximize work, and sanity, since i overdo internet hijinks and its distracting me from the work.
morning - 3PM : Work
3PM - 4PM: Interwebz
4PM - 7PM : More work
8PM - 9PM: Interwebz 2
9PM - sleep : late night workin'
endless cycle, same few platforms,
here discord itch banana, nowhere else, nowhere more.
tired as a brick, no work being built.
this internet thing, overdone.
break overdue, overworked too
too many gc's and servers
schedule needed.