General but less general in dee4's hellhole

Post your dank shit here.
i finally did it, the nightmare is over, i finally completed dark ages, whoever created these butt-ass levels, i curse thee with a wet sock every morning, just so you can know how i felt while playing the 2nd half of levels.
dark ages level 19 is single handely the most pain-enducing expirence i've had, i used not one, but two of the most wanted rented plants in my view.

1. congratulations, you found the hidden site, your one of very few people to find it!
2. human zarkstur real.
3. slay kinito fuck
4. dick cock moe
tried playing ancient egypt and far futures endless modes, died cause i got overwhelmed by zombies left and right, not even a jalapeno could save me.
I did it, i finally unlocked my first adventure mode seedium(not counting torchwood), the banana launcher, twas a bargin, only 2500 coins, 6, cycles, over the course of days.
The rent a plant screen, has decided....
Update on the Rented Adventure Mode Plant Seed Packet War (or RAMPSPW), Its a neck-to-neck brawl between Banana Launcher, and Moonflower, with only 10 seed packets to go, with guacodile only needing 14 left.
heres the channel, incase you wanna expirence... horror...
just stumbled upon a youtube channel that makes lab-grown fruits, that are alive, breathing, sometimes moving.
it looks too realistic to be considered fake.
its very creepy and or disturbing.

A new competitor has entered the race to be the first adventure mode plant unlocked through seed packets, the Guacodile!