General but less general in dee4's hellhole

Post your dank shit here.
wanted to watch some yenndo videos for no logical reason what so ever and when i searched it my horrible finger to screen coordination made me accidentally tap on the result below which said "yenndo x lolbit"
someone made an image of animdude with realistic innards, im talking organs, a brain, and a nervous system.
its horrifying, and also right down my alley sorta, long live the uncanny flesh!

so i tried rebooting the golden gamer channel and uhhh.... yeah that happened...
just found out both recurser AND speedo were both scrapped...
recurser i could handle cause i didnt give a damn about him but speedo?! Hell naw if the devs wanted a replacement they should've hit me up with ideas i got a idea for a replacement!

alright alright alright, hear me out(and not in the way that you think, get your mind outta da gutter. alrigth, so what if, there was a dee4 animted series, based off of these 4 shows combined. how would you feel about that?
I just presumably solved the fnaf timeline, and its way simpler than most sought out to be.
i fit the timeline and answers in 5 KB.
unanswered questions will presumably be answered within 0-2 days time.

FPE RP Game Snapshots
all these snapshots were taken between (9/17) to (9/18)
guys what would happen if i chugged a entire can of faz-goo? the voices are telling me to chug it down whole.

heres an giant catalog of all the images i reverted from the attack of that goon.