hate school posts in team hate schools

show how much you hate school!!!

why school is still up? or it explodes or it closes.

school is bad because of toxic peoples

its not hate school post but its importent! thiss group not has to many guy but to many people hates school so ya .-. we need to find other peoples tho-

so in italy they want to put the DAD. you think that's good? :0

  5 votes Voting finished

doing homework


Going to school now...

Hope at last this day will be good!

And still #hateschoolforever

Thanks for the collaboration thing :D

I have to say, maybe i am the most active here(?)

do you think that when i don't post i don't hate the school?

forget it, i hate it anyway

Today am angry (read article)

dude i am tired...really tired... (read article)