me defend you
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Hi, I'm Saul Goodman but gamejlot. Did you know that you have rights? The constitution says you do! And so do I.

Tired of being called bad words on the internet and have no comebacks?

For a substantial fee of zero money, you and your loved ones can vanish. Untraceable.

You're a high-risk client. You're gonna need the deluxe service. It's gonna cost you. Zero money

If you're committed enough, you can make any story work. I once told a woman I was Kevin Costner, and it worked because I believed it.

I never should have let my dojo membership run out.

Better safe than sorry. That's my motto.

Don't state your own opinions , but if you do, call me.

Better call w rizz

@w-rizz owner
Report A community for 7 months