
Comments (8)

What do you think?

Este es el juego de zombies mas raro que he jugado, pero buen juego xD, sigan así.

Just played the game. It's enjoyable! I really like the details you put onto the models.

Some issues I find annoying:

  • The zombies go after the house rather than the player, even if the player is in eyesight of the zombie.

  • You still shoot and move if you have the pause menu open

  • The camera sometimes clips through walls

  • The gun icons are stretched. (Turn on "Preserve Aspect" in the Image component, that might help.)

Some suggestions:

  • Have a warning when the night is about to arrive

  • Have zombies make some sort of sound so the player can know where they're coming from and at

  • Add weapon sway (like moving the camera to have the gun slightly rotate based on how the camera is rotating)

P.S, if you ever plan on implementing multiplayer, I'd recommend you either Mirror Networking, if you're used to UNET, or Photon Unity Networking if you want easy online integration. :p

EDIT: Some other stuff I found annoying.

  • Shotguns do less damage than expected when firing from the hip.

  • The UI seems too big.

  • The crosshair should be white and smaller.

Great work so far! Everything is looking great!

I want to play it can be that fun

Can't wait for the game! I enjoyed the original a lot!

21 Nights Is a work in progress wave based survival game where you are placed in a building and must defend yourself against hoards of zombies each night for 21 nights. You earn money by surviving nights that you can use to buy weapons, ammo, and fortification to help you survive the nights. Keep in mind this is a very early build of the game and will need some work!
#shooter #horror #action #survival


Update # 11
- Added a Main Menu, Options, and pause menus
Not alot of work has been done for a month on this game but i am going to try to make more time for it. Hope yall stick around to see the first build. Thanks for checking out this game !

Update # 10

Update # 9

Update #8

Update # 7

Update # 6 New Direction For This Game


New Update for Nazi zombies 2 added player animation to stand. crouch and prone. Added two weapons the M9 and ak47 with animations hope everyone likes it so far will be able to put more time into the game for the next couple weeks. Thanks!


Release Going to be delayed

Update #4 No more multiplayer