
Comments (50)

What do you think?

i need this in my live

Would love to see what you have so far if you'd be willing. I saw that you said pallet town was ready, I think a lot of people, myself included, would love to just have a look around whats already done. Maybe a demo of sorts?

fake i cant download it

download link?

any updates in the past year???

I'm remaking Pokemon Red in all it's glory as a 3D game! Mainly doing this for my portfolio and to learn some new concepts :)

By 3D I mean full 1st Person Perspective.

I might end up making it VR-compatible too

#fangame #action #adventure #rpg #vr #strategy #other


unfortunately I will have to restart from scratch. But thats fine. As, there were alot of things wrong, bug wise, with the first one. My first goal is to make the whole first parcel delivery without modeling other than basics.

I'm excited to announce that this project will be starting up again in about a weeks time! All of my new PC Parts are on the way!

I9 9900k

32GB Ram


RTX 2080TI

Go follow my OWN game as well! Here's a link!

Been awhile. Covid is fucking shit up. About to get unemployment and that will be able to get me the last pieces for my set up

New PC Build

-i9 9900k Processor


And 32 GBs of 3200 or 3600 ram. I cant remember which

More updates soon!

Damn. Been awhile. New PC will be fully built be the end of next month. I will post daily updates and weekly Devlog Videos on my Gamedev YouTube "TryckDev", I also stream and play other games on my main channel "Tryck". the one with the pink anime chick

Game progress is Delayed till next month, Computer had to be sold for Bill's, but I have a more stable job now. So keep your eyes out!

Quick Poll regarding Demo. When should it end.

  8 votes Voting finished

As for Demo release date. I'm planning for within the first 2 weeks of February. If I finish sooner or seem like I will, I will post an update letting yall know! More pictures and such soon!

Keep in mind the demo will not be full quality. everything in this Prepreprepre-Alpha is subject to change and will be in low poly art style.

Finished some Modeling of Pallet Town. Gunna finish 3D modeling the pokemon for the demo, then I'll work on the Characters in Pallet town and the next city. Once all that is done and good, I'll program the Demo.

Bleh. Lots been going on at home. Took a few days off for the girlfriend as well. I'll continue working tonight and will update with some more 3D models! Thank you guys for all the follows and if you want, share it around!