
Comments (6)

What do you think?

A first alpha version is going to be available by the end of this week. :)

I made these headers for your game. Hope you like them. : )


Craving Caterpillar, a puzzle version of the game Snake. You need to eat all the food and find the exit without getting hungry or stuck. How many butterflies can you get?

You can pick either Keyboard or mouse/touch as the main control settings at the start of the game.

  • Keyboard: Arrowkeys + Enter+ R(estart) + Q(uit);

  • Mouse/touch: Swipe + tab;

Alpha 0.1.3

  • More clear what the extra challenge

  • In levelmenu (show what is completed)

  • Turn color after partly completed, fully

  • At start of level show additional mission

  • Show while playing when extra mission is not in reach

  • Settingsmenu via levelmenu (controls, darknes, size, music)

  • Basic settingsmenu

  • Mouse controls improved

  • Reset safe file via world menu

  • Overview what has been improved of scores (FAT BOLD TEKST?)

  • Shine effect (gold?)

  • More clear unlocknumer & key that symbols locked

  • Make walk not go one to far, more clear difference with controls

  • Better gameover & victory scene

  • Show level complete and which level you just completed.

  • Effect complete (sparkle whole screen)

  • Gameover effect (turn to black, at room start, with levelnumber)

  • Make level 3-1 switch with another level? Switched level 3-1 with 3-3.

  • Block effects at start level

  • Export to playstore

Alpha 0.1.2

  • Working edition that works in most mobile browser.

  • Small hints in first 3 levels + level 2-1.

  • More clear that different food gives different bonus
    +5 (red), +10 (yellow) or +15 (green)

  • Show health is lost every step with red blink

  • Colorize selected buttons

  • Add more keys for entering/pauzing/exiting levels like: P-key, X-key, Esc-key

  • Make the selection of the menu with mouse not stick to menu item and then get still clicked when you press besides it.

*Bug with mouse/touch can't remove pause/exit screen

Alpha 0.1.1

  • More clear what type of controls you can select.


  • Worldunlock correctly on any platform.
    Note: Savefiles of alpha 0.1.0 still works

Alpha 0.1.0
This is the first alpha version, If you face any bugs (besides the caterpillar) let me know. A screenshot and a short description would be nice. :)

Have fun.


Steady progress

Entering Craving Caterpillar