
Comments (2)

What do you think?

awesome game, like the storyline, overall very tasty, and got 5 stars on trip advisor

Sorry for taking so long, but the video series for the game so far has begun. I hope you enjoy the first episode. šŸ˜. Each episode will be released on Friday and after the second episode is released I will post the playlist here šŸ˜†

Game Soundtrack

1 song

OST 1 - Drifting (Main Menu theme)

You are sent to kill a rouge AI called IGNIS, a Malware bent on destroying the DigiVerse, a digital world for people to explore instead of reality. Meet up with friendly AI, save lives and put an end to the Malware threat alongside you fellow friends at the Digital Task Force! #rpg #scifi

Fantasy Violence
Simulated Gambling

Progress update 14/04/22

DigiVerse - Chapter 3 & 4 Trailer "Impending Danger"
DigiVerse Chapter 3 & 4 Trailer - 20/04/22Play the previous chapters here: Used: Impending Danger - Architect

Also, feel free to comment with any questions about the game. I might just answer them ;) (multiple questions per comment is fine, I will answer them all in order)

So, I don't have any gameplay to show off yet. However, I can reveal the names of the first 6 chapters and what you will be doing in each of them! [MINOR SPOILERS]

So...Ten days late. Progress is being made, however it is at a slower pace than I expected...

Unfortunatly I can no longer state a date for chapters 3 and 4 to release in. Just know that I am constantly working on them.

Yeah, What if i did.

Digiverse - "Take a stand" TRAILER gameplay footage is not final.Song used: Reveal - Architect

So guys. Crafting system exists. Mostly. I hate it.

But it is fun to use.

Progress update!!

Chapter 3 is finally complete and as much as Iā€™d love to give it to you all right now, I cannot.

It would interrupt the flow of the story, the most important part of DigiVerse.

Iā€™m anticipating release for chapters 3 and 4 on: 15/3/22

Hello people!
I took around 5 days off of working on DigiVerse to deal with some personal drama in my life but I'm back, I'm okay and I've got NEWS!

Progress update!

The next update (0.4.0) is coming along very smoothly!

Here is the breakdown for how everything is going: